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August Wilson Birthday Celebration: Block Party

Looking for Vendors of All Types
Limited Space

Last Year Over 185 Vendors Participated


  • The August Wilson Birthday Celebration is an outdoor Block Party

  • Location: Bedford Avenue (btwn Roberts & Devilliers) in the Hill District, Pittsburgh, PA

  • Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025 (RAIN OR SHINE)

  • Time: 11am - 6pm

  • Free Admission to the public. All day entertainment, kid’s games and vendors.

  • A site map can be found here. SITE MAP


Information and Requirements Below -  Please read carefully


•  Expected attendance: 8500

•  Saturday, April 26, 2025; 11am - 6pm


  • Booth space fees: 

    • NON-FOOD 10' x 10' footprint = $75.00 WITHOUT table / chairs

    • FOOD ONLY - 10' x 20' footprint = $150.00 WITHOUT table / chairs

    • FOOD - 10' x 10' footprint = $75.00 FOOD --- WITHOUT table / chairs

    • Food Trucks or Trailers = $75.00 



    • NOTE: Once application is submitted we will review and be in touch if for any reason we are unable to accommodate your applications.We reserve the right to be selective about the vendors we book. Each application will be reviewed separately. If for any reason we are unable to accommodate your vendor submission we will refund your fee in full. 


  • Payment is due with application. If you do not pay when book you are not confirmed. You will not be contacted. Must pay when book.

  • Space allocation will be done after April 10, 2025. Some vendors will be assigned a location to insure space from like vendors. Others will be assigned on basis of first come first serve in the order of arrival.

  • There is NO ELECTRICITY OR WATER available for the block party

  • YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN TENT, TABLE, CHAIRS, and any other supplies needed.

  • Tents MUST be secured with weights. They cannot be tied down, as will be on concrete.

  • Vendor Items: Please provide a detailed description of your booth items on the form (attach an additional sheet if necessary) and, if possible, attach photos if possible.

  • THERE ARE NO REFUNDS, unless we deny your application and return the fee. The event is rain or shine. 


  • All other vendors must check-in between 8:30-10:00 a.m.

  • Vehicles will not be allowed in the block party area after 10a.m

  • Booths must be completely set-up by 10:30 a.m.

  • All vendors are requested to stay open until closing time at 5:00pm

  • Vendors will have from 6-7 pm to pack-up. All vendors must be off the block by 7:30 p.m.

  • To prevent accident or injury, any vendor wishing to leave early MUST notify a block party official.

  • With permission, booths that can be packed-up and “walked-out” will be allowed to do so. No vehicles will be allowed on the festival grounds before 6p.m., without the permission and escort of a festival official.

  • The vendor is responsible for leaving the vendor area in the condition that it was originally received, i.e. removal of all debris such as boxes and trash, or an additional clean up fee may be applied for items left behind.


  • Each applicant will receive a confirmation email upon receipt of their application.

  • A map and load-in / load-out directions will be emailed between April 10 and April 20, 2025.

  • All vendor fees are non-refundable. Unless we are unable to accommodate your request.

  • All FOOD VENDORS are required to show proof of liability insurance and read and sign attached waiver.

  • All Vendors are required to read and sign the waiver on the registration form.

  • Please fill out vendor registration completely.

  • Absolutely no unattended vehicles may be left on the festival grounds the night before the festival



The August Wilson Birthday Celebration reserves the right to refuse any vendor application, should this occur the fee will be refunded. The Vendor shall defend, save and hold harmless the City of Pittsburgh, August Wilson Birthday Celebration; A Block Party on the Hill, Daisy Wilson Artist Community, INC, ZDOT dba Bounce Marketing & Events, their respective officers, agents, board members, staff, volunteers, sponsors and assigns from any claims, damages, losses, liability or expense which may arise, and shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage due to fire, accident, theft, weather, acts of God, vandalism or any other loss or injury whatsoever or not specifically described herein, whether past, present or future. Booths are not insured by the City of Pittsburgh, August Wilson Birthday Celebration; A Block Party on the Hill, Daisy Wilson Artist Community, INC, ZDOT dba Bounce Marketing & Events or any sponsoring agents. Exhibitors must make provisions for safeguarding their goods. Exhibitor must have replacement cost insurance for all personal property. Exhibitor assumes full liability for protecting, care and maintenance of exhibitor’s property. ANY VENDOR NOT HOLDING VALID LIABILITY INSURANCE EXHIBITS AT THEIR OWN RISK AND ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY.

© 2018 by Bang Graphx. 

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